Selasa, 11 November 2008

Mysterious creatures found in Antarctica

Australian scientists who examined the Antarctic marine life found a number of mysterious creatures. Beings is the spider and giant sea giant worms that live in the seabed. Giant beings that live in as much depth of 3,000 meters below the surface of the sea water. Beings is a great result gigantisme phenomenon. However, scientists have not yet know the cause of gigantisme. "Gigantisme very common in Antarctic waters. We have been collecting sea worms, sea spider, and the animals that have bercangkang body size selebar trays of food," said the Australian Antarctic Division scientist Martin Riddle, head of the expedition team. Beings found Riddle and colleagues has been sent to universities and museums, the world's largest museums to be examined and identified. For, not all the creatures found Riddle team can be identified. Australian scientists expeditions to map forms of life Antarctic Ocean. Research is also working to reveal the effects of climate change on the environment below the ocean surface. Australia, in cooperation with France and Japan in the expedition. Australia call up the ship Aurora Australia, France, conscripting ship L'Astrolabe, and Japan exert ship Umitaka Maru.

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